Monday, January 21, 2008

Trip to "EgoLand"

I took a trip to LegoLand this past weekend with some friends, their little sisters, and my host family's daughter, Sara. We had a blast together, and when all the rides had been ridden, the sunblock wore off, and all the snacks were in full bellies, we were dog tired! :)

But we had some really fun memories, like when Sara asked why the sign said we were at "Ego-Land," (The "L" was hidden to our eyes :) "Ego-Land" stuck, and we referred to the park as that for the rest of the day. ;)


Nicole 妮可 said...

awwww! wish i could be there! totally love the bathroom signs and love the abrev. named!
thanks for posting!
love ya!

Anonymous said...

Leggo of my Eggo. Looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

How fun! "Ego-land" Hehe Mia is quite jelly of your trip, she loves legos. I wanted to come :( Should of invited meh!

William Mulgrew said...

LEGOS! Man, I would have given anything to go there as a kid. I use to play with those things all the time, particularly, the pirate set.

Kristen, I must confess I'm jealous seeing you in warm sun, t-shirts and shorts. It's really freezin' over here!

Changs said...

looks like a fun time:>)and so that sunshine!