"The golden rule for your life and mine is this concentrated keeping of the life open towards God. Let everything else go...saving that one thing. The rush of other things always tends to obscure this concentration on God. We have to maintain ourselves in the place of beholding, keeping the life absolutely spiritual all through...never allow anything to obscure the life that is hid with Christ in God. Never be hurried out of the relationship of abiding in Him."
On a much less serious note, y'all should check out this "Japanese Silent Library" video on YouTube...I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard when I watched it! :D You'll probably pick this up, but whoever gets the skull card gets the bad thing done to him, but they're in a library so they have to keep quiet. It's ingenious... Check it out here:
P.S. Thanks for all your comment's guys! It's so great to hear from all of you and it's really encouraging to read what you write! :D
On a much less serious note, y'all should check out this "Japanese Silent Library" video on YouTube...I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard when I watched it! :D You'll probably pick this up, but whoever gets the skull card gets the bad thing done to him, but they're in a library so they have to keep quiet. It's ingenious... Check it out here:
P.S. Thanks for all your comment's guys! It's so great to hear from all of you and it's really encouraging to read what you write! :D
1 comment:
owwwww! i was almost sick watching it... poor guys -- i hope the prize is good whatever it is!
love the pic!
love ya!
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