the concert surpassed our expectations by miles.
we expected 150 people. over 600 came. chairs were being rushed into the auditorium by the minute to accommodate everyone.
some people responded saying they wanted to volunteer in China. others gave financially. only God knows the ultimate ramifications of the seeds sown saturday night.
the most amazing thing about the concert is how God's hand was all over it. we didn't do anything special promotion-wise more than we did for our last benefit concert; the Lord just drew many that night...and it was amazing.
stasia opened for phil...she's pretty awesome. and so is her music...

stasia's feet. plus wires, water, and set list.

steve k. sharing and david thinking about how cool steve k. is.

David , plus Phil tuning.

mr. wickham!

phil dancing/playing really loudly for jesus. i see this as more 'artistic' than blurry. ;)

and a few more photos here.
God is blowing the doors off and I am so excited to be a part of it!!!
Do you ever feel like you can't take anymore??
Thanks for your sweet email and also for posting this awesome post! I love the pics and all the little comments that go with them!
There's only 52 days left! I'm stoked... can't wait to see your beautiful face!
Love ya!
Hello Offspring,
I like your prayer list up on the top of your blog...good reminders and visible.
Also, isn't Mr. Wickham in Pride and Prejudice? Does he sing? (JK)
Cannot wait 'till you come home!
Love, Parental Unit
Mr.Wicham is in Sense & Sensibility ;)
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