May 16th marked our 2nd Annual Night Walk, which was such a fabulous memory. A group of about 30 of us walked around Fallbrook, California while other groups were walking around the world at the same time. It was so fun to hear the other teams cheer on our group conference call; I felt such unity with everyone in knowing we were joined together for one cause... :)
The very next morning (God bless Kayce for driving me to the airport,) I headed off to Pennsylvania. On Sunday I went to my home church and afterwards spend some time with some friends. The rest of the week was spent hanging out at home, visiting more friends, and taking trips to a lake, a nearby garden, and downtown Philadelphia.
One day my Dad and I took the train down to Philly and walked around the Reading Terminal Market and Chinatown. In Chinatown, I introduced Dad to my favorite bakery called KC Pastries Inc. We bought an assortment of some yummy rolls then walked a few blocks to The Gallary and ate our snacks. After every bite we took of our pastries, we kept saying how good they were. Finally I said, "Dad, do you want me to go buy some more to take home?" He said no, but then added how good the roll was. I re-offered to walk a few blocks back to the bakery and buy some more sweet rolls then came the quote of the day...My Dad said, "No, it's fine. I mean, these are good, but I don't need any more...(5 second pause)...well, how far away was it again?" haha! Needless to say, we went back and got more. :)
Now I'm back in the office wrapping up some things for the Night Walk. June will be very full. I am blessed with a full schedule and what seems to be lots of responsibility so please keep me in your prayers.
Have a great day,