I was thinking about writing about how things at the office have been, or more on our trip to Australia. But the problem with that is I don't want to only paint a story-book picture of how life is. I mean, yeah, I love traveling and had an awesome time in Sydney. But, I have hard days too, and I figure that's what I'll write about today.

It started Thursday, actually. It's weird, you know those days where everything seems to be crashing down on you all at once? It makes me wonder why my problems can seem so complicated but they aren't smart enough to pace themselves out over time. ;)
Anyway, since then I've felt a lot of stress. Budgeting money, booking plane tickets, getting more involved with church, planning my future (how's that one for a small thing to have on your 'To-Do' list, ha! :)
I know deep down that all these things have solutions...they won't last forever. The word says that God is my provider and He will give me all I need. Eventually, I'll make a decision about which plane ticket to book. Time will help me feel more plugged into church. And as far as my future goes...I'm sure the Lord's got that one covered.
All the same, I know I'm weak and need God's super strength to carry me through all that's going on. So please keep me in your prayers as you think of it. I know God is eager to help me in my weakness, as His word says. And also, please let me know how I can be praying for you! I mean it; email me and let me know what God' s been up to in your life! It'd be such an honor to pray for you, and it helps me get my eyes off of myself and my problems and onto our BIG GOD! :)
Thanks all,
KC from CA
K- Thanks for asking, I emailed you my prayer request.
as always, your honesty is refreshing.
thanks dear!
and of course you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers!
love ya... nicole
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