Some highlights have been sharing at churches (we had 5 speaking engagements collectively on Sunday!), teas, small groups, and special dinners. We were featured in the newspaper, and recorded an interview for a Christian radio station the other day. Connections have formed left and right it seems, and we feel blown away at God's goodness to us and how much He is doing!
I've often ask God to use me in the way He wants to...that He can have full reign over my life, myself, my dreams. And it's been an amazing time to watch God answer that prayer by using my hands and feet in a small way to glorify Him. As I was listening to our radio interview this morning, I was so thankful that God would use my voice to speak up for orphans. I am simply an instrument in my Maker's hand...and I want all of this to be for Him (even though I feel so blessed by Him right now.) I just want to speak when He asks me to and do what He wants me to...with "Kristen" fading away and CHRIST becoming all others see.
P.S. Some photos -
Christy & I with the family we're staying with here who are simply fantastic. A walk on the beach was a nice way to get over jet lag! :) Australian love.

We visited the boy's Primary School and spoke to the older kids at their chapel service (not pictured here.)

Lookin' out at the big blue...We spotted some dolphins, and there's been talk of Great Whites in this area! I'll keep my distance, thank you very much! ;)

Hey K, So good to hear your update on what God is doing there down under. Please thank your wonderful host family for their care for you and all their hard work for the orphans in China. It looks lovely mate!
Wow. Just when I thought ya'll weren't posting... you were.
Love ya, miss ya, and can't wait to hear how everything went.
You have been much in my thoughts and prayers!
And isn't the peace and joy from letting go so freeing, invigorating, and just, um, amazing?!
Can't wait to talk!
Love ya!
Wow! Fun in the sun and sand, with friends. But without me?!?! :[
Lol, hope you have a great week!!
Love ya to bits ♥♥
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