Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back and In Tact :)

We're home!!

We left at 10:00 PM on the 23rd, and then arrived in LA at 1:00 PM on the 23rd making Sunday the longest Easter day I have ever lived! :)

The trip to Australia was phenomenal! God heard all your prayers and blessed us abundantly!!

Some of my highlights from the trip:

~Speaking to loads of people about the orphans in China and God's heart for them.
~Seeing people becoming motivated to help the kids.
~Spending lots of quality time with the Vidler family, who essentially planned all of our whole trip.
~Taking in Australia's beautiful scenery and exploring Sydney. (We saw koalas, wallabies, and kangaroos...though we watched one get hit by a golf ball, lol)
~Learning that I love macademia nuts and Turkish food (esp. kabobs, which we had for lunch and dinner one day...)
~Laughing and making really fun memories together.
~Feeling completely and utterly blessed to have had this experience.

Thanks for your prayers!!
Hugs from CA,


Anonymous said...

~K,So glad you are back and God blessed the time in Australia. It sounds like His favor was evident in your efforts to help the orphans in China:-) Cannot wait to see you in SanDiego (Lord Willing as Grandma used to say)

Nicole 妮可 said...

Hey dear!
I'm so glad all is well... sounds your easter was slightly more eventful than ours. tho ours was good.
Can't wait to talk soon. I got your message... well, it's a long story. I'll call soon.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Krissie! Did you bring me back that kangaroo??!

Kristen said...

I hope that's you Mia, otherwise I owe someone else a kangaroo that I don't even know about! :)

Anyway, all the kangaroos I asked didn't want to leave Australia...I'm not sure why. Sorry, babe...