Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm here !

Hey friends!

Here's a big apology from me to you for not updating since I've gotten here.
It's taken some time to get settled in, but I am here in
Beijing safe and sound.

I've been so surprised by how pretty the location of our camps is! Lots of green grass and beautiful trees...Who knew I'd be blessed with such a great surrounding in the middle of one of the biggest cities.

Our team is busy getting ready for camp... yet we've been able to have some fun building unity of our staff.

It's been fun so far, and a smoother transition than I thought.

Yet please continue lifting me up to the Father. You can pray that:
-I would feel God's presence and hear Him speaking clearly to me.
-For a greater passion for the Chinese orphans coming to camp.
-For continued health.
-And for my parents back home.

Thank you all so much, and I will update more frequently now that I'm all settled in.


Anonymous said...

Finally! An update. I've been waiting FOREVER ;)
Hey girl that I love!
So glad you're safe!
Praying for you.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to see/hear that everything is going well. We ate Chinese food last night and I was like... this is in honor of Kristen ;) haha i love you!