Friday, August 29, 2008

Learning from the "unreal," living in the "real"

"The most difficult person to deal with is the one who has the smug satisfaction of an experience to which he can refer back, but who is not working it out in practical life. The experience must be so genuine that it is shown in life..." ~Oswald Chambers

This quote really sums up what I've been thinking about and trying to live since I have gotten home from China two weeks ago.

Our time in Nanchang this summer was so precious. It felt almost surreal to see God's hand work in such varied ways each and every day. Some days I saw the Lord work by opening the kids hearts and letting them feel loved. Other days it was having conversations with our translators who were so hungry to know about Jesus. And sometimes it was my friends and I being changed...watching God mold us to be more like Him. It was one of those summers you can't believe you actually get to live...

Now, I'm trying to carry those "unreal" experiences into my "real" life...I want the faith God grew in my heart in China to carry over to who I am now in America. That's not always easy...

To be honest, the process to understand and embrace everything that happened this summer is a slow one (which is why I have yet to email my supporters since I've gotten home!) I was at the beach for the past few days where God started opening my heart to really think and journal and pray about all that has happened...I've still got a lot to hear from Him about, but, it's a start! A really great start! :)

I'm going to enjoy a few more days of vacation at home until I head back to CA to work on some post-camp projects. But until then...cookie making and a movie is on the agenda this afternoon!!! Can't wait!! :)

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