the kids are doing just fine adjusting to not going to the pool this morning. (the problem of keeping people out of the rain lies mostly in the adults here, haha.) anyway, instead of swimming, we threw together a morning assembly and some craft ideas. our kiddos are decked out in beaded bracelets, fun hair-dos, and decorated visors...they just couldn't be cuter!
we've got about an hour and a half until dinner...everybody is chilling out. a few of my friends and their buddies are lounging next to me on some beds watching "the bee movie" in chinese...i might go downstairs and finish some coloring with some of the little ones...

Hey Rainy Day Girl,
It looks nice to chill and so glad you were able to enjoy the beauty of China in the rain. You always liked
rainy days:-)
Love and miss you
Parental Unit
I didn't know they made The Bee Movie in chinese! that's cooool [:
hey girl!
good to hear from you... is anyone else posting pics from the camp in the south?!
you all seem so far away, but know that we miss you all and think and pr for you often!
love and hugs to you all there!
Hey Nicole,
I think Tom P. put some pics up from the first two weeks, and Dani and Kayce write in their blogs occasionaly I think. But I don't know of anyone else. We have limited internet access around here.
Anyhow, it's great to see your photos! I recorded a short video for the staff there from us, just saying hi! I'll try to get that to you soon. :)
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