Wednesday, July 16, 2008

you know you're at bmh camp when...

-you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow...any time of day ;)
-you give and get lots of hugs every day
-you are decorated with handmade jewelry and beads
-you feel sweaty most of the time
-you hear very touching stories of kids around you living hard lives
-you spend as much time speaking in Chinese as you do speaking in English
-your heart breaks when you see how skinny some of the children are because they are only allotted a certain amount of meat each week.
-you feel God's grace in very real weakness. :)

love to you all...

hopefully i'll get some photos up soon...



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are quite busy but doing well. We hope you are being blessed by what you are seeing and doing there. Lots of pictures please!

Love, the dad

Pete said...

Kristen, Thanks so much for posting from camp. Hope you are all having a blast. We are heading to Beijing next week then on to Zhenghzou for our camp. keeping all of you in prayer.
God Bless, Pete

Anonymous said...

LOL thats awesome...Sounds like your having a blasttt at camp :)
Can't wait for pics!

P.S What's bmh stand for? :]

Anonymous said...
