I watched my friend's little sister enjoy the ocean yesterday. She enthusiastically ran towards the foaming waves, then froze in place when the cold water overwhelmed her. Instinctively she turned and ran towards the warm, dry sand. But something about the deep ocean drew her back. So she walked next to the big sea, her feet becoming white from numbness, but she was happy.
And I realized how much that was a picture of my walk with the Lord...
I have always thought of how the ocean is like God; vast, mysterious, HUGE, and inviting. But even on an adventurous day, I've only explored like 20 feet into the ocean. And I bet it's the same with my walk with God.
I'm so grateful for the Scriptures because I learn so much about God though them, but I know that what I do know and what I will learn in my lifetime about my Savior is so small in comparison of what there is still to know...
It encourages me so much to think that God is infinite in all of His attributes...What I know of His goodness is just a piece of who He truly is. His mercy to me that seems so great already is even bigger than I know. And His love...His love goes on forever...

And I realized how much that was a picture of my walk with the Lord...
I have always thought of how the ocean is like God; vast, mysterious, HUGE, and inviting. But even on an adventurous day, I've only explored like 20 feet into the ocean. And I bet it's the same with my walk with God.
I'm so grateful for the Scriptures because I learn so much about God though them, but I know that what I do know and what I will learn in my lifetime about my Savior is so small in comparison of what there is still to know...
It encourages me so much to think that God is infinite in all of His attributes...What I know of His goodness is just a piece of who He truly is. His mercy to me that seems so great already is even bigger than I know. And His love...His love goes on forever...

Love hearing your Ocean reflections as they relate to God. Yesterday Jared Mellinger compared how we know God to being only the very tip of the Iceberg...we only touch the surface.
Lovin' and missin' you especially this week:-(
this is such a good reminder... and isn't it great that God doesn't force anything on us, but rather gently beckons to us with all the love of a Daddy-God!
love the pic... is that Mary?!
love ya dear!
ps. i will try not to be jealous of the warm weather that you are enjoying... we are at the bottom of the artic tundra right now -- literally ice and snow blowing all over. BRRR! ok, the ice isn't blowing anywhere... unfortunately. it's staying snugly on the road and walks! :)
hello my dear :).
is there anything you've found particularly helpful (parts of Scripture, prayers, books...) in meditating on the attributes of God? i've been realizing lately how small my view of His VASTNESS is, and i would like to spend some time just studying HIM to increase my vision...
Thanks for sharing this thought. I've found thinking of the vastness of God can help me in two very concrete ways. First, it helps to cut down whatever pride might take root to in my heart as I learn more and more about God, because in reality my knowledge and understanding are so limited compared to who God truly is. Second, it's an encouragement to seek to know the Lord better because there is always something new, interesting and applicable that he can show us. What a joy to consider that throughout eternity as we grow in understanding of God, every new step we take will be at least as fresh and delightful as the one before. Thanks for reminding us of this truth.
P.S. - Check out my blog. (http://sustainedbyhisword.blogspot.com). It doesn't have any cool pictures but it's been helpful to me so far as I've been trying to think through what I'm reading.
You provoke me to love God more:-)
Your parental unit
Thanks everybody for your comments! It's really encouraging to read your thoughts...
Mom~ That's really cool how Jared just spoke about how our knowledge of God is only like the tip of the iceberg. It's so true!
Nicole~ Thanks so much for your feedback and kind encouragement on the phone. And no need to feel too jealous about the weather out here, because it's pretty rainy today! :)
Mich~ Check out "The Attributes of God" by Tozer...I'm pretty sure I've read parts or all of it...or looked at it. lol But I have heard really great things about it, even though I don't remember if I have read it or not, haha.
Steve~ Thanks for your thoughts about pride and the encouragement about thinking of how we get to know God more and more throughout eternity...what a cool thought! And nice blog too. :)
Parental Unit~ Love and miss you!
Happy Birthday:-) May God bless you this day and all the days ahead! You are a present to us and we thank God for you. Much grace,
happy b-day Kristen! Sorry I couldn't make it to your b-day party. Sounded like a lot of fun. Take care, friend...
P.S. Your b-day's the same day as my mom's
happy birthday...sorry, i'm a little late : )
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