Friday, October 12, 2007

Showers of Blessings

One month ago I moved to California, and I can’t believe all that has happened since then!

Every day brings new joys, lessons, and ultimately experiences that have grown me so much already. In fact, just the other day I had a “learning opportunity” when I accidentally sent our electronic newsletter out before it was fully edited. Woops!

But life has been so encouraging! Just yesterday a few friends and I went to the infamous Yogurt Palace for an afternoon treat. Right before we left, I checked with my friend to see if he wanted us to bring anything back for him. He told us to just call him once we knew what the flavor of the day was. “It’s black cherry on Wednesdays,” I told him. “Wow, you know you’re really part of this town when you know the flavor’s of the day at Yogurt Palace,” my friends teased. ;)

God has been so kind in His provision to me, and I was thinking this morning about how much I love being able to walk so closely to Him. This month has also been full of new experiences, laughter, and joy.

I can really relate to Ezekiel 34:26 which says, “I will bless them…I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing!” That’s totally how I feel right now! Blessings seem to await me around every corner. Blessings of really meaningful work, new friends, and learning experiences. Wow, the Lord is just SO AMAZING!

Thank you so much for making this opportunity possible! Knowing y’all are behind me in this is such a huge encouragement, and people are already being touched by hearing about the orphans. Praise the Lord!

Love from CA,


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