Monday, June 25, 2007


Well, only two weeks and counting until I'm on my way to Beijing!

It's been nice to have some time before I leave to enjoy the east coast and the friends I have here. Yet everyday I feel more ready to step onto the plane and head to China.

If you think of it, please pray for me in these ways as I get ready for this trip:

-For health, safety, and provision for myself and all the other staff and volunteers coming to camp.
-For a smooth transition from living in PA to Beijing for a little while.
-That God prepare my heart for what He wants to do in and through me in China. And also that He would direct my vision for my future involvement with Bring Me Hope.
-That God would work in the Chinese translators and Chinese orphans as they anticipate coming to camp.
-And most of all, that God would get all glory and be honored through the work that I'm doing in China.

Thanks so much!


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