Wednesday, July 30, 2008

it's raining, it's pouring... :D

it has been raining off and on all day's beautiful. :)

the kids are doing just fine adjusting to not going to the pool this morning. (the problem of keeping people out of the rain lies mostly in the adults here, haha.) anyway, instead of swimming, we threw together a morning assembly and some craft ideas. our kiddos are decked out in beaded bracelets, fun hair-dos, and decorated visors...they just couldn't be cuter!

we've got about an hour and a half until dinner...everybody is chilling out. a few of my friends and their buddies are lounging next to me on some beds watching "the bee movie" in chinese...i might go downstairs and finish some coloring with some of the little ones...

if only every day were this relaxed... ;)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

snapshots of camp :)

c'mon, how cute are our kids??

thomas (resident austrailian cuteness and fried chicken lover) playing chinese checkers :)

clark getting his translator certificate...amazingness!

team meeting...i love these people

my family group from week 1...
wanda...who i'm convinced is one of the cutest kids on the planet

a story about wanda from my journal...

“There’s a little nine year old girl with cerebral palsy here named Wanda. She is probably the cutest kid I have ever seen…ever. She is so precious and her smile is magical. The other night I was helping her balance on a chair during assembly, and she looked like she was going to burst with JOY! She turned to Vincent and said, “Gege (big brother), I have never played this happily before!” It was amazing.

Last night I watched Wanda while the translators had their meeting. As the movie played, she complied as I cradled her mellow body in my arms. I rocked at patted her. I felt her body become heavier, and I knew it wasn’t long before she would be asleep. She slept in my arms for about an hour, and I was so thankful to God that He created this precious treasure, and that I was able to spend time with her. Eventually something woke her up, and she looked up at me confused. Haylee (another girl at camp) got a marker and paper for Wanda to color. She sat up and eagerly took the marker in her left hand and began to draw. I watched her tightened muscles try to cooperate with her mind as she tried to stay within the lines. The fact that this angel was crippled broke my heart. My eyes welled with tears that I convinced myself to not let out.

I see such pain here, yet such beauty too. Wanda is a precious picture of those two things combined. She’s a treasure that I’m so glad is in my life…”

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

you know you're at bmh camp when...

-you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow...any time of day ;)
-you give and get lots of hugs every day
-you are decorated with handmade jewelry and beads
-you feel sweaty most of the time
-you hear very touching stories of kids around you living hard lives
-you spend as much time speaking in Chinese as you do speaking in English
-your heart breaks when you see how skinny some of the children are because they are only allotted a certain amount of meat each week.
-you feel God's grace in very real weakness. :)

love to you all...

hopefully i'll get some photos up soon...


Friday, July 11, 2008


here are things i'm wowed about at the moment...

-the Lord's creation around us is absolutely beautiful!
-our staff team is amazing and already feels like a big family
-God is taking me really deep much heart work...
-time with the Chinese translators has been a huge blessing
-our meetings together to prep for camp have been so thought-provoking and encouraging
-we went white water rafting yesterday as team building with bamboo sticks as paddles!
-God is so amazing and i can't thank Him enough!

gotta run but keep us in your pr*yers!!


Friday, July 4, 2008

we're Nanchangin' it! ;)

our staff team arrived in China yesterday morning, and our time here has already been so precious!!
i just love being in feels like such a honor to be serving here this summer. life feels so rich and blessed...
this is my 4th time to China, and i'd have to say that this trip already feels different than my previous ones. being here certainly feels special and different, but i feel like i know what to expect and a lot of what was facinating to me on my first trip doesn't take me by surprise anymore. it's kind of cool actually, to feel so aclimated to this culture. :)
one highlight of our trip so far has been getting to know one of the Chinese college students named Lucia...we spent a lot of time yesterday talking over a foot massage and dinner. she's a great new friend, we've got lots in common, and i'm excited to spend more time with her over the summer, as she'll be on staff for camp here in Nanchang.
well, we're having a bachorlette party for another one of my Chinese friends (Mary) who is getting married on sunday! good times are in the plenty. thanks for your prayers.