how's life going for all of you?
i feel like my life has been very comfortable lately! it's wonderful to enjoy the blessings that God is so kind to give me. blessings like friends, perfect weather, and yogurt palace...the world's best frozen yogurt place that just happens to be in Fallbrook, CA haha ;)
in all seriousness, it's hard sometimes not to feel bad about being so comfortable. i think of some of my heroes in the faith who live such tough lives. people who live in huts in the jungle just to share Christ with others. i respect people like that so much, and it makes little sense to me why i am able to enjoy so much right now.
i almost have the mentality that the more uncomfortable i feel, the more like Christ i'm being because if i'm uncomfortable, it means i'm giving something up for Him. yet i don't think that mentality is universally true. i think it can bring God just as much glory when we are so thankful for what gifts He has brought into our lives.
so that made what my friend told me the other day ring true. she was encouraging me to enjoy and rest in what blessings God has brought into my life right now. she's right that we never know what tomorrow brings, so it's fine to delight in what joys today brings... :)
all for now,
...I found that I have so much more freedom and joy as I orient muself to fully live in the present! I heard Steven Curtin Chapmans song today called, Miracle of the Moment..on the radio...
And this is the only moment
We can do anything about
So breathe it in and breathe it out
Listen to your heartbeat
Theres a wonder in the here and now
its right there in front of you and
I dont want you to miss
the miracle of the moment....
a wise blogger once wrote about the moment...
There's certainly a difference between appreciating comfort and pursuing it. And there's a difference between awareness of it and the expectation of it--meaning, when we are made uncomfortable, how do we react? With indignance? Or with the grace of always having known that our comfort was of little importance.
I've struggled with this, too, and decided there's nothing shameful about having everyday comforts when others don't. The problems start when we pursue and expect them, and place more importance on our comfort than on people, relationships or any of the million things that matter more than soft beds and air conditioning.
as we often joked this summer when times were tough "we gotta get our suffering quota in!"
remember that whatever you're doing - if it's for HIM! counts for eternity!
love you!
(call me... we've not talked today! i miss u!)
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