Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My trip to Kentucky, New Attitude Conference

Last night I got home from the New Attitude Conference in
Louisville, Kentucky. Friday to Tuesday were packed with sound biblical teaching, vibrant worship, fellowship, and very little sleep. ;)

It was such a blessing to attend "Na," and the entire trip was marked with God's provision. For instance, I got the last seat available on the flight out, I roomed with 5 fantastic girls (an unexpected blessing when my other rooming plans fell through because of space issues), I spent quality time with new and old friends, and I was able to minister to some people going through struggles, as well as be cared for by others too. What a fantastic trip!

I wish everyone I knew could have come along, but here are some things to check out if you weren't able to attend:

The New Attitude Website:

Rebelution Website:

Sovereign Grace Message Downloads:
(Here, you can download the messages for FREE!! I especially recommend C.J.
Mahaney's on "The Idol Factory," and John Piper's on "Discerning Obedience.")

Below are some photos from the trip I wanted to share...

Christy, and I in the hotel with all those "aerodynamics." ;)

Walking around Louisville, Kentucky.

Fourth Street is where all the yummy food is. :)

Playing "the homeschool game" a.k.a. the "make-you-sin-game" on Friday night.
We found it hard to be kind to one another and grab the pen from each other's
hand simultaneously. :)

Worship during the first session on Saturday night.

I thought this guy's shirt was pretty funny. :)

I also found the fact that people would be willing to wait so long for caffeine
quite amusing...Yet I must confess that by the last morning I was one of
the crazy ones in line...

Me with my friends Elise, Ally, Jenn, and Casey before the meeting.

And I think by Monday night the lack of sleep was starting to make us a little crazy... :)

The rest of the pictures are here:

Anyhow, have a wonderful day, and thanks for your prayers for this trip!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just call me Veruca...

A song from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ran through my mind today...It was the tune that the spoiled character Veruca sang as she was denied a golden egg. Her demands were so unreasonable, and I was humbled in realizing how similar my heart can be before God.

Part of me chuckled at my foolishness, but I also was sad to see how arrogant I am. Maybe I haven't asked for the same things Veruca insisted for (though, I might be lying if I said I've never prayed for ten thousand tons of ice cream ;) but my heart can be in the same place, wanting unwise things I'd never need. I can hear my voice echo hers...

"I want a ball
I want a party
Pink macaroons and a million balloons
And performing baboons and ...
Give it to me

I want the world
I want the whole world
I want to lock it all up in my pocket
It's my bar of chocolate
Give it to me

I want today
I want tomorrow
I want to wear 'em like braids in my hair
And I don't want to share 'em

I want a party with room fulls of laughter
Ten thousand tons of ice cream
And if I don't get the things I am after
I'm going to scream!

I want the works
I want the whole works
Presents and prizes and sweets and surprises
Of all shapes and sizes
And now
Don't care how
I want it now
Don't care how
I want it now!"

Instead, I wish that I could emulate Paul's example from Philippians 4:11-13. He says,

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of acing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

I am grateful that God is so gracious to help me change a demanding selfish heart to one that is content and satisfied with Him alone!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I will still fight...

"All of this will not be finished in the first one hundred days, nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days...nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin."
-- John F. Kennedy

I came across this quote today, and it really inspired me. I realize that I can't help all the orphans, but I can help some... And just because we can't completely fix the problem of the abandonment of children, we should still fight for it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So, I decided to create a blog. Like the world needs one more blog, I know. :) But I wanted to come up with a creative way to update friends and family about my upcoming trip to China without burdening their email inboxes.

So, it's official. Here I am.
Check back for more updates soon!