What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?... Check the clock? Pull the covers over your head and want to go back to sleep? Start thinking of your agenda for the day?
If you're like me, maybe it's all of the above. Yet often it's my list of to-do's that finally motivates me to get out of bed. ;)
Today I was thinking a lot about how planning obsessed I can be...And what for?? Really, stop and think about it. Why in the world do we worry and whine about if this or that will work out in our lives?
I definitely feel in a time of transition, more than I would prefer or consider to be comfortable. I have a lot of prayers about my future being offered up to God, and I'm trying to do my part to be diligent in pursing what opportunities this big bad world might have for me. But with that said, I want to get back to living for the day. It's what Jesus would want too...
And there are so many blessings that each day holds. To get in the spirit of my renewed mindset, here are some of the best things about today: Doing a Photo Shoot for some friends in the snow, Taking a walk with my dog and my neighbor's little boy, Having some nice talks and meals with Mom on our day off, and Chatting with a long distance friend on the phone. Good thing tomorrow is a new day full of new memories!!!
Chains be Broken. Lives be Healed. Eyes be Opened. Christ is Revealed.
"I have decided, I have resolved to wait upon the Lord. My Rock and Redeemer, Shield and Reward. I wait upon You Lord. As surely as the sun will rise, You will come to us. As certain as the dawn appears, You'll come..." ~Hillsong