Thursday, January 29, 2009

you can do anything! :)

my computer has been telling me it feels very full lately, so i've been trying to move some old pictures onto disks. while working on that, i found some fantastic vids from a chinese acrobat show a group of us went to in Beijing, summer of 2007!

after watching this, just think...whatever it is in your life you feel like you can't do, you can! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why Kids are often the Best of People...

"Dear Kristen,

I love you to God and back!

Love, Abby" :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

winter wonderland

Just a few shots from my photo shoots yesterday. Doesn't snow make winter amazing?!

More photos are on my flickr site, and please let me know if you're interested in a personal session! Don't be intimidated by the cold! Children are precious all times of year. ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Putting Away the Calendar

What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?... Check the clock? Pull the covers over your head and want to go back to sleep? Start thinking of your agenda for the day?
If you're like me, maybe it's all of the above. Yet often it's my list of to-do's that finally motivates me to get out of bed. ;)
Today I was thinking a lot about how planning obsessed I can be...And what for?? Really, stop and think about it. Why in the world do we worry and whine about if this or that will work out in our lives?
I definitely feel in a time of transition, more than I would prefer or consider to be comfortable. I have a lot of prayers about my future being offered up to God, and I'm trying to do my part to be diligent in pursing what opportunities this big bad world might have for me. But with that said, I want to get back to living for the day. It's what Jesus would want too...
And there are so many blessings that each day holds. To get in the spirit of my renewed mindset, here are some of the best things about today: Doing a Photo Shoot for some friends in the snow, Taking a walk with my dog and my neighbor's little boy, Having some nice talks and meals with Mom on our day off, and Chatting with a long distance friend on the phone. Good thing tomorrow is a new day full of new memories!!!

Chains be Broken. Lives be Healed. Eyes be Opened. Christ is Revealed.
"I have decided, I have resolved to wait upon the Lord. My Rock and Redeemer, Shield and Reward. I wait upon You Lord. As surely as the sun will rise, You will come to us. As certain as the dawn appears, You'll come..." ~Hillsong

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas in California

It took 5 long days to get out of Chicago to San Diego. But the way I look at it, a travel situation like that will probably (aka "hopefully") never happen again... And, I was able to get a nice reimbursement for my airplane ticket. Sweeet! Thank you Jesus!

As for California, wow, I don't know where to begin...

My week and a half spent there was so full and packed, in the best possible way. Looking back, I'm not sure how I kept going at such a busy pace, but I'm glad I did because now I'm home with loads of new memories...

Some highlights from the trip...

* Being reunited with so many dear friends on New Year's Eve * Meeting new friends from all over the states and Canada * Our winter retreat in the breath-taking mountains (at 6,000 ft!) * Times of worship together * Dancing! Lots of dancing... :) * Good conversations by the fire * Laughing very hard with friends * California Sunshine * Making snowmen and having snowball fights in the mountains * Knowing I will see my beautiful friends again *

Ironies of all ironies, my flight from San Diego to Philadelphia was cancelled on Wednesday morning. That's where my amazing Dad who works in the airline industry comes in yet again. He got me on another flight safe and sound. Love you Daddy! ;)

It's supposed to snow here tomorrow. I just bought a used pair of Columbia snow pants today for 7 bucks, and I'm looking forward to using them. But I'm sure I'll be thinking of my friends I spent these last few weeks with and our time together. I'll admit it's really hard adjusting to not being around so many people. I can't wait for heaven. :)

Love you all,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Promise update soon. And by soon, I mean by today or tomorrow. ;) Life has been a little busy.

Until then,