Thursday, December 25, 2008

'Ello again... :)

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope today was really special for you all. :)

It has been a relaxing day here at our house. Besides having yummy meals together and giving each other some special gifts, the highlight of the day was taking our dog over to a nearby nursing home to visit the patients there. My Dad organized our time there, and it was such a great memory. Seems like what Christmas should be about; loving one another.

Well, the good news is that I'm headed out to CA in tomorrow morn. :) The bad news is...I just began packing about an hour ago. Christmas is just too busy of a time to think of much else! haha

I'm really anticipating my time out there...good friends, the beach, time away at a retreat, warm(er) weather...what could be better before starting a new year? I smiled when I saw these perdictions on

Tue, Dec 30 - Mostly Sunny, 70°
Wed, Dec 31 - Mostly Sunny, 70°
Thu, Jan 1 - Mostly Sunny, 70°
Fri, Jan 2 -Mostly Sunny, 70°

As strange as it sounds, I look forward to some undivided time on the airplane to catch up on journaling and reading... :)Please pray for safe travels.

Anyhow, hope you have a great time between Christmas and New Years!

All the best,

1 comment:

Nicole 妮可 said...

Can't wait to see you!!! :)
Love ya!